As I was looking at Pinterest for recipes tonight my eye caught this one because I thought it would be quick, easy and minimal cooking. And apparently I need to go shopping because I was missing an ingredient or 2 or 3 or 4 from every recipe I was finding and these ingredients and steps would work into the plan I was working on at the last minute.
I wanted it quick because I realized that Gavin had piano lessons at the same time Brady had a break from marching band camp. This wouldn't be a problem if I was a planner, but I'm not. Add to that Gavin's friend is over so I can't go to the grocery store right now.
So my spur of the moment plan was:

Loved that the recipe gave the amount of zucchini in pounds. So many times I am left wondering, "Is this a medium zucchini or a large zucchini? So with my handy dandy scale there was no guessing.
2. Prepare the chicken. Pretty straight forward here. Except that I noticed Martha's chicken looked much more fancy cut into slices instead of little chunks like mine. That's OK. I find it annoying when I get fancy salads from places and then have to cut the chicken in smaller pieces.
3. Take Gavin's friend home.
4. Go to piano with Gavin
5. Pick up Brady
6. Pick up the last items at the grocery store. This is where something went wrong. I knew this would be pushing it, but now I'm informed that Brady has to be back at band camp 15 minutes early. I let him know that I would be quick (you should be proud - I brought the recipe with me and even circled the needed items, spinach, mint, red onion, cheese so I could be quick!)
7. Throw the ingredients all together. I was done in no time flat. Except...that zucchini is really hard to toss when it is that thin with the oil etc sticking it together. I had to toss this salad longer than most salads and I spent some time pulling apart the zucchini. And I forgot the onion! I'm thinking for our family that is OK though as we are not big on raw onions.
Rex and Gavin gave it a thumbs up. I gave it a so so. I didn't bother asking Brady since he was a little (lot) anxious about getting back in time.
Verdict: I think it could be better with with a a higher ratio of lemon juice to oil. It just seemed a little too slick and not fresh enough. I'd also add a tablespoon or 2 of honey to the oil and juice. I'd also give it more pepper than I did. I'm not big so I added some and then thought I probably should add some more thinking it might be too much, but it in the end it was lost. So either go heavier on the pepper or plan on maybe adding some as you eat it.
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