Tuesday, September 14, 2010


Back in August I joined a 7 day challenge. The challenge would be announced on a surprise day in September. It was to see how well you would do in case of emergencies of some kind. You even get to fill out a report card showing how you have done. The challenge started today!

A disaster has occurred near the water supply source for your town. All of the water supply has been contaminated and is no longer drinkable or usable for cooking/washing/etc. It is estimated that it will be several days before things are restored to normal. For today’s tasks, assume it is the end of the third day of having no water.

If you want to see more of the rules just go to the linked website. I challenge you to start this today (whenever you are reading it). See what you can learn from it.

My biggest fear for today? I put off doing the white laundry yesterday! Ughh! So not looking forward to doing it by hand. My second biggest fear is wondering if I will be able to get the water out of the drums by myself.

I was thinking the rest wouldn't be too bad. It didn't take me 5 minutes to discover there are many things I use water for. I went out to collect eggs from the chickens, headed into the kitchen to wash them and then realized that I will have to get the water from the basement first. This will be interesting.

I'll be honest. I have no desire to do this challenge. When I decided to live off food storage for a month I was kind of excited. No excitement for this one. I've thought several times of not doing it, but that just makes me realize I really need to do it.

Today’s Tasks:

  • Go and shut off the main water supply to your house immediately. DONE!
  • You must find a way for you (and your family if applicable) to bathe or shower today
  • Cook all of your meals with only the water you have in storage DONE!
  • Locate the nearest source of fresh water to your home DONE!
  • Print out some resources on alternate water sources and water purification in case the contamination is prolonged. DONE!

Today’s Limitations:

  • For this day, and ALL days of the challenge: no spending money, no going to stores, and no restaurants.
  • You can’t use a water purifier for your tap water, the contamination is too bad.
  • Remember that this is the third day without water and account for that when you consider how much you have stored.
  • Also remember … toilets require water to “flush”.

Advanced Tasks:

  • Go to the nearest source of fresh water and fill up several water containers.
  • Purify that water with either a water purifier or an alternate purification method.

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